Margins Guests Share Their Thoughts

Margins Guests Share Their Thoughts

13 September 2024

We've seen a huge rise in guests (services users) attending The Margins Project drop-ins; a place where those facing hardship can dine on free, nutritious meals in a safe and welcoming environment on Mondays and Wednesdays 11am - 1pm. The service also provides access to showers and laundry as well as providing opportunities to seek advice and referrals on pertinent issues, and to enrol on our catering training programme.

Following the three years of lockdown, the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, and other pertinent factors that have put inconsiderable financial and mental health strains on many vulnerable people, we've seen our yearly number of guests seeking advice rise by 100%. Our drop-in guests average of 40 rising to over 70+ per session, and more younger people coming to use the services, showing clear evidence of the challenging time we are in.

To learn, first-hand, the impact our services make on the lives of our guest, we asked for their feedback.

The Margins Project aims to provide food, support, community, engagement, training, and empowerment. Find out more about our services here.

We asked our guests to give us feedback on their situation, how they use our services, and what they means to their lives;

Attendance: 63% of guests attend the drop-ins more than once week.

Housing situation: 37% of guests have been rough sleeping in the last 3 months, 29% are housed in a temporary/precarious accommodation.

Reasons for coming: 92% for food, 56% for meeting people, 44% to wash clothes/shower, 37% for safety.

Services: 56% have considered using Margins Advice service.

Community connections: 85% have made friends and/or feel part of a community when at Margins.

Heath: 80% report eating more healthily since coming to Margins, 12% report health conditions.

Wellbeing: 83%+ report feeling Excellent or Good when at Margins.

Creative engagement: 37% of guests are interested in taking part in arts activities.

"Staff always great, friendly, hopeful, kind, thanks to all."

"All staff really hopeful, friendly, caring."

"You have helped me"

"Well satisfied with everything, thank god on Iraj"

"Feel safe & comfortable - Doing fantastic"

"10/10 Excellent staff & volunteers and Food Manager"


32% of those who took part had suggestions on improvements that could be made which highlights, not only the need for more funding and expertise to expand our offering to cover growing demand, but also the dire need for more national focus on the challenges so many are facing today;

"Open more days (Sundays; an extra day)"
"More variety of food" / "Food bank"
"More funding to help the service."
"Would use Advise service but unsure whether would be useful - experiences of unpractical/unhelpful services"

Involving our guests, their input and feedback is directly shaping our co-created work, to ensure they are fully-fledged stakeholders of how Margins’ activities are being delivered, evaluated and improved.


If you are able, please consider supporting The Margins Project by

  • Volunteering at our Drop Ins on Mondays and Wednesdays, or offering our guests expertise, by registering your interest to [email protected]

  • Sign up for The Margins Project news here.

  • Donating here. Your donation could help fund;

    • £7 One on-table nutritious meal served to a guest at our Drop Ins.

    • £10 Weekly support of one guest at our Drop Ins.

    • £25 One Advice & Engagement appointment.

    • £35 Five on-table nutritious meals served to a guest at our Drop Ins.

    • £50 One day of training at our accredited Supported Employment Programme.

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