Solidarity in dangerous times

Every Tuesday at 7.00pm in Lent on Zoom

Meeting ID: 898 3016 1887   Passcode: 011309

This study course accompanies Union Chapel’s Lent Programme in which we listen to people engaged with the challenging issues faced by people of faith.

The weekly study course will explore a Christian understanding of Solidarity.  It will ask how we can belong to each other in a real and positive way.  How can we share in the suffering of the world and the resistance of people who stand up to oppression?


Tuesday February 28th –

The death of brotherly love?

Exploration of how exclusion works through the story of Cain and Abel. Is the Bible’s early fratricide a key to understanding the dynamics of our contemporary conflicts?

Genesis 4.1-16


Tuesday March 7th

God’s solidarity?

The notion of the covenant and God’s dealings with Israel teaches us much about the nature of true solidarity.  The incarnation is also an indicator of God’s solidarity with humanity.

Hosea 11

Hebrews 2:6-15


Tuesday March 14th

life in the fiery furnace

During our Lent programme we will listen to stories of people who live in the heat of oppressive situations.  The Bible also tells stories of people who resist.  By reading these carefully we will gain insight into our responses.

Daniel 3


Tuesday March 21st

Organising communities of resistance

In this session, we will examine how the early church organised itself.  Can we see there a model for solidarity for our own church communities? Contrasting Pentecost with Babel and reading how the church organised itself.

Genesis 11.1-9, Acts 2.1-13, Acts 6.1-7


Tuesday March 28th

Restoration and restitution

A major component of moving forward from conflict is the process of putting things right.  History is littered with conflicts, which are not resolved but merely paused.  The bible confronts this head on.

Exod. 21-22; Lev. 5; Luke 19:1-10


Tuesday April 4th

The embrace of forgiveness

At the heart of the Gospel is the compelling call to forgiveness as the only means to repair a broken world.  The familiar story of the Prodigal Son illustrates how a loving embrace transforms tense situations.

Luke 15.11-32