Union Chapel Singers

Union Chapel Singers

Union Chapel Singers,

our Islington Community Choir

On Monday evenings from 7.15 until 9pm you will find UC Singers in the Chapel Lower Hall. We number over 30, mostly local residents. Our purpose is to enjoy our singing and our community. Many of us have never sung in a choir before and have never learnt to read music, or thought we could sing in public.

There are no auditions, but somehow our cool professional choirmaster António sorts us into Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass and finds music that brings us together with strong harmonies. It’s amazing how beautiful we can sound when we get it just right. Joyful is a good word. We have enjoyed all sorts of classical, seasonal, and traditional pieces from all over the world. We sing Prayer for Ukraine in Ukrainian. Those you might be familiar with include George Harrison’s Here Comes The Sun, Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, U2’s MLK and Verdi’s Gloria.

We perform from time to time, raising money for charities like Margins and WaterAid (Sing for Water), supporting activities in the Chapel and combining with other organisations and choirs to create wider events (like Common and Kind). People come and go as they move in and out of the area, but we still have an original member from when the choir started nearly 10 years ago. We are men and women, young and old and we are friends. An established part of this Islington community that has grown to mean so much to us. Please come and join us. It’s so lovely to know your neighbours.

We charge £7 per rehearsal to cover costs, and we can offer concessions if needed. Your first rehearsal is free.

For more information, or to check dates, please contact [email protected]


Choir Leader

António Sá-Dantas

António Sá-Dantas is our choir master. He is also an orchestral conductor, a choral scholar and a composer. Originally from Portugal, he studied in Austria. “The fun we have singing as a group is the most wonderful way of connecting. We all love the community this choir creates.”







For inquiries: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucsingers

Twitter: @UCsingers

Instagram: @ucsingers